Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Japanese instant dandan noodle cup!

I've created my latest Japanese food video & published it on YouTube! Here it is.

This video's showing you guys a Japanese instant dandan noodle cup!
Dan dan noodle's a Chinese dish & called "tan tan men" in Japanese. Well, the word "men" is a Japanese word which means "noodle" in English.
By the way, dandan noodle's also know as "responsible people noodle" in English.

This looks spicy!

Now, I'll give it a try.

How's it?

Oh well, this is a bit hot & spicy, but not bad. This is moreish, fantastic, amazing, & tasty. I love this so much. By the way, have you tried dandan noodles? I'm sure you'll love dandan noodles if you try.

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